Thursday, February 19, 2009

Convenience of Women...

There is no denying the fact that all through American history women have been treated less than men. What I am blogging about today has to do with the inequality that women face in the work force. Even though it is 2009 and women have broke the barriers and made great stride, they are still greatly suppressed in the work field. It is evident that they have to work harder in order to attain the same position that a man can just waltz into.

Women have been like an unnoticed backbone to American society. When men were needed to fight in WWII, that left the U.S. in a bind. As a result of most men being overseas, there were no workers for factories or other jobs. That is when women were called upon to do their civic duty while their husband was away. Women were supposed to support the war effort and help the U.S. by working in those factories and other jobs. These women with no experience, ever, outside of being a housewife and mother. Yet, these women rose up and fulfilled their duty.

When the war was over and the women weren't needed, they were just expected to go back to being the housewife and mother that they were before. Except now these women experienced independence. In the movie 'A League of Their Own' the question is even posed to the owner of the baseball field, "Careers and higher education are leading to the masculinization of women, with enormously dangerous consequences to the home, the children, and our country. When our boys come home from war, what kind of girls will they be coming home to? And now the most disgusting example of this sexual confusion: Mr. Walter Harvey of Harvey bars is presenting us with women's baseball. Right here in Chicago, young girls plucked from their families are gathered at Harvey Field, to see which one of them can be the most masculine. Mr. Harvey, like your candy bars, you're completely... nuts." So unless it was convenient for America, these women were useless.

It wasn't until 1963 that the Equal Pay Act was approved. This act, signed into effect by President Kennedy, made it illegal to pay women lower rates for the same job strictly on the basis of their sex. Unfortunately, even though this was signed into effect in 1963---and it is 2009, as of 2007 women still made 22.2% less than men in the work force ( So even though we have voted in the first half African American president, as far as civil rights go, we still have a long road ahead of us.


ChristyG said...

Yes, Sean I agree even though there are laws that prevent companies from paying women less in 2009 it is still very common. There are other issues in the workplace that are still plaguing women today, as well. Women face sexual harassment, lack of family friendly workplaces and have to deal with the glass ceiling effect more often than men do. The glass ceiling effect is when women or other minorities are passed over for advancement positions for no obvious reasons and held at lower level jobs than their male counterparts. I just watched “The Associate” a 1996 film staring Whoopi Goldberg who plays a financial investment executive that gets passed over for a partnership and never noticed for all the hard work that she contributes to her firm. She tries to go into business by herself but because she is a woman none of the top business men will see her or show her any respect. She decides to create a fake boss for her company who is a man and her company becomes extremely successful. Unfortunately this movie isn’t that far off base when it comes to many companies in the business world and unless women continue to speak out about this issue and fight for equal rights in the workplace men will continue to benefit and make more money, get more recognition for their work and advance faster.

Stacey said...

I think that women deserve more respect and recognition...if it werent for women we wouldnt have clean homes, healthy children or many other wonderful things. People get lost in femine and masculine ideals and i personally do not think that it is fair. i should nmake just as much as a man if our work integrity is the same...hopefully this will change in the future